Did you know that Holland, MI is also known as the City of Churches for the approximately 170 churches that dot its landscape? Back in 1989, one of these churches, in fact, started the international What Would Jesus Do? Bracelet trend. Today, Holland is a city that thrives owing to its location next to Lake Michigan and regional job opportunities. If you are planning on buying a house in this part of Michigan, then here are three tips for you.
1. Explore Your Possibilities
A lot of people are initially drawn to Holland homes, but realize pretty quickly that there are more scenic areas than just Holland. The nearby cities and downs of Grand Haven, Spring Lake, and Zeeland, for example, are all great choices and most of them have options for waterfront homes for sale.
2. Get a Great Real Estate Agent
If you want to get informed about real estate investment opportunities in Holland, then you need to get in touch with a knowledgeable real estate agent. When you are looking for homes, you should aim for a realtor that is experienced, who understands the local economy, and who is licensed. Why are all these things important? Real estate agents are often aware of properties before they officially get on the market, and they can give you an idea of how valuable your home will be in 10 or 20 years from now. Experienced agents can often get you a better closing price as well.
3. Budget Your Home
How much should you be spending on Holland real estate? Investment experts recommend that most people should spend no more than 28% of their income on the mortgage. Keep in mind that legal fees and closing costs can add up to 23% to the cost of the home. Thinking about spending more and just making do with a little less? Be careful. Many people end up getting into debt not because they budgeted badly based on their expenses, but because they failed to take into account unforeseen issues such as medical bills and job losses.
Do you have any tips for finding real estate investment opportunities in Holland? Let us know in the comments! Read this website for more information.