If you are among the 75 percent of Americans with cable television in their homes, try a little experiment. It only takes about five minutes and is at least worth a good laugh. Instead of turning on Rochester NY Channel 13, take a quick flip through your cable channels and make a mental note of the different news channels that you come across. Chances are you will find more opinionated, biased news coverage than you encounter on local news programs like Channel 13 Rochester.
According to PEW research, among the big three cable news stations CNN provides the most fact based news coverage. However, they lead FOX and MSNBC with merely 54 percent fact based coverage. Although Fox is continually attacked for its biased reporting, it is MSNBC that comes in last with only 15 percent fact based coverage! On the other hand, the study found that 45 percent of Fox news stories are fact based.
If cable viewers are to glean anything useful from the above statistics, it is to turn elsewhere if they want news that is relevant and fact based. While cable news can sometimes serve as a somewhat twisted form of entertainment, you would think that a serious news station would focus a little more on fact than opinion. But such is the reality of 24 hour cable news; they have to find some way to fill in the gaps!
Fortunately, Rochesterians have the choice of turning their dials to Rochester NY Channel 13 for news that is timely, relevant, and actually based on facts. After all, what is the point of watching news without facts? Could you imagine if the meteorologists at Channel 13 rochester ny reported their opinions of how the weather should be tomorrow? Since when has news been more about biased opinion than hard facts? Apparently, since cable news programs charged themselves with entertaining their viewers around the clock.
The sole purpose of the folks at Rochester Channel 13 news is to provide their viewers with fact based news coverage that is delivered with professionalism, integrity, and personality. The bottom line is if you are looking for news as entertainment, cable news is perfect; but if you want to be informed by facts you need to look no further than Channel 13.