Getting Arizona Workers Compensation to Work for You

Personal injury at work

Getting hurt on the job is a possibility for which all workers should be prepared. Arizona Workers’ Compensation Laws were established in order to support injured employees through the difficult times associated with injury or disability sustained on the job by providing benefits. Still, workers compensation lawyers can help those who have been hurt at work to navigate the process and receive the help they need.

In Arizona workers comp is a no fault system in which workers can receive benefits, regardless of who caused the accident. After a hearing, for which an applicant will need to hire an Arizona workers compensation attorney, it will be determined whether the injury or illness is job related. At this stage, workers comp lawyers can help applicants to file claims, appeal claims that have been denied, or get the money to which an injured worker is entitled.

Once an injury is determined to have been job related, the claimant is likely to receive benefits including medical care, disability benefits to replace lost wages, and job retraining.

In the last decade, there had been nearly fifty percent medical inflation, so medical care benefits for injured workers are more important than ever. Those receiving Arizona workers comp will receive benefits from their employers to cover these very expensive costs, though the amount will vary from person to person as premiums are calculated using the amount of payroll per job function at the claimant’s job.

Injured workers receiving Arizona workers comp are also eligible for disability benefits that will replace some part of the wages lost. The average claimant receives disability benefits that cover between 50 and 70 percent of these wages through Arizona workers comp.

For those injured at work arizona offers workers compensation to help them get back to work. In fact, almost ninety percent of companies have programs to help injured workers return to work. These programs might include vocational rehab or education assistance.

There is certainly a lot to consider for those who have been hurt at work, but Arizona workers comp doesn’t have to be intimidating with a workers compensation attorney in your corner. For workers compensation lawyers Arizona workers comp is an area of expertise. For those asking, What do I do if I get hurt at work?, the answer is clear. Ask an Arizona workers compensation attorney for help. You’ll be glad you did.

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