Mobile healthcare apps can be a huge asset to the medical community, offering secure and and HIPAA compliant messaging and mobile communications, such as HIPAA compliant text abilities and secure instant messaging. Mobile healthcare apps allow doctors to receive patient info on their mobile devices. Furthermore, mobile healthcare apps integrate several different kinds of separate software together to put it into a single usable format.
Mobile healthcare apps are an important component of “Health 2.0.” “Health 2.0” can be described as the use of software and mobile tools to promote collaboration and disseminate information between patients, their medical care providers and other interested parties. Mobile healthcare apps are HIPAA compliant. HIPAA, or the The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, was enacted by the United States Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996. Title II of HIPAA requires the establishment of national standards for electronic health care transactions, such as electronic medical record keeping, and national identifiers for providers, health insurance plans, and employers. Specialized apps for mobile devices can encrypt the data on your phone, communicate it to the recipient and then decrypt it, helping to ensure patient privacy and HIPAA compliance. Overall, mobile healthcare apps can save time and money. According to a study by the nonprofit Commonwealth Fund, Danish doctors reported, as early as the late 1990,s that they were saving an average of 30 minutes per day by prescribing drugs and ordering lab reports electronically. If you’re in the medical industry, consider utilizing medical mobile apps.