One of the fastest growing segments of the United States health care system is represented by urgent care centers. These facilities are becoming increasingly popular with patients for a number of common sense reasons. Urgent care centers may revolutionize health care as we know it by drawing on elements associated with the typical private doctors office as well as well as elements of hospital emergency room in such a way as to create an amalgamation more effective than the sum of its parts.
Unlike primary care physicians, the doctors urgent care centers employ are available on a walk in basis, just like emergency room doctors. On the flip side, however, the amount of time patients spend waiting to be seen at urgent care centers is significantly less than they would spend at the ER and is, in fact, similar to the time frame of the average stay in a PCP waiting room.
Urgent care facilities offer nighttime and weekend hours that are convenient for 9 to 5 workers to be seen by the doctors urgent care centers engage. Another bonus of going to an urgent care center is that many such facilities have on site prescription dispensing, just like hospitals do. This is another way in which urgent care centers are a one stop treatment experience encompassing positive aspects of both primary care offices and emergency departments, sans the drawbacks of either. Thus, urgent care centers create a win win proposition for patients acutely in need of care, but not suffering from life threatening maladies that emergency rooms specialize in treating.
Each week in the United States, about three million people visit doctors urgent care facilities like the Alliance Urgent Care Center, the Memorial Urgent Care Center, and the Urgent care littleton CO facility. The doctors urgent care centers supervise provide a valuable service to both patients and the health care industry at large. The doctors urgent care centers work with ease the strain felt by ER physicians, the focus of whom should be directed towards treating life or death emergencies. So too do the doctors urgent care sites hire decrease overall health care spending. To illustrate this point, one must only compare the cost of an average emergency department visit, which is $1,500 to the average cost of seeing the kinds of doctors urgent care centers provide, which is less than $150.
The types of conditions treated by doctors urgent care facilities employ include sprains, fractures, gastrointestinal illnesses, migraine headaches, the flu, minor lacerations, and concussions. After diagnosing and treating someone, the doctors urgent care centers provide tell the patient to follow up with his or her primary care physician in the near future in order so that healing can be assessed.
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My urgent care center provides same day appointment scheduling, which negates any possibility of having to sit in the waiting room forever.
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My urgent care center provides same day appointment scheduling, which negates any possibility of having to sit in the waiting room forever.
My urgent care center provides same day appointment scheduling, which negates any possibility of having to sit in the waiting room forever.
My urgent care center provides same day appointment scheduling, which negates any possibility of having to sit in the waiting room forever.
My urgent care center provides same day appointment scheduling, which negates any possibility of having to sit in the waiting room forever.
My urgent care center provides same day appointment scheduling, which negates any possibility of having to sit in the waiting room forever.
My urgent care center provides same day appointment scheduling, which negates any possibility of having to sit in the waiting room forever.
My urgent care center provides same day appointment scheduling, which negates any possibility of having to sit in the waiting room forever.
My urgent care center provides same day appointment scheduling, which negates any possibility of having to sit in the waiting room forever.
My urgent care center provides same day appointment scheduling, which negates any possibility of having to sit in the waiting room forever.
My urgent care center provides same day appointment scheduling, which negates any possibility of having to sit in the waiting room forever.
My urgent care center provides same day appointment scheduling, which negates any possibility of having to sit in the waiting room forever.