A business card reader is going to make life a lot easier on a company that uses them, even if they are totally new to the use of a business card scanner. More digital filing system methods are popping up every day, and laptop scanners are among the most popular form of portable scanners on the market. Per the International Data Corporation, 95 percent of business related data is still on paper, with an average worker printing about 45 sheets of paper in a given day. The Wall Street Journal discovered that an average business person in America will spend about 1.5 hours of every day trying to find items that have gone missing among messy desks and files, which is a serious dip in productivity for that average business person.
The use of a laptop scanner will cut down on that productivity dip considerably. You can use a laptop scanner at every station in your office to make sure that each member of your staff has digital records being kept. The cost of a laptop scanner is well worth it when you think about the productivity it can yield. 15 to 30 percent of time spent seeking info among employees can also be streamlined among the $150 billion cloud computing market, as a survey of 500 IT pros discovered that around half of respondents use cloud applications to improve business agility. Learn more about the cloud software that will streamline your digital record keeping today.