If your idea of veterinarian marketing is taking an ad out in the local newspaper, or sponsoring a local softball team, then it is a good thing that you found this article. While there is nothing wrong with those veterinary marketing ideas, they are not sufficient to get a veterinary practice off the ground. Finding new clients, and keeping current clients, is certainly dependent on the quality of service that you provide, but it’s also dependent on how you interact with those client and the community at large. Here are some veterinary marketing tips that will make a difference in your efforts.
Make friends.
Even if you were to make an account on every social media site out there, you would see no benefit unless you engaged in the existing networks. Whether you join Twitter or Facebook, there is something to be said about how many people “follow” or “like” you. You gain more friends the more helpful and interesting your messages are, and by interacting positively with others. Social media may not be considered veterinary practice marketing 101, but with the popularity of social media networks among people of all ages, it’s one more channel where you can gain an audience.
Show off.
Posting pictures of cute animals is a great way to get people’s attention, but why not use pictures to tell a story? In your veterinary practice, there are likely to be patients that make wonderful recoveries. With the permission of the pet owner, why not share that story? Pinterest might also have some value here in this kind of veterinary practice marketing, where you can share success without overtly advertising.
Be smart.
It should go without saying that you will have to watch what you say, but many companies fail to follow this rule. Also, it’s not just about the messages you put out there for public consumption, but it’s also about how you respond to interactions. About 24% of people have either commented on, or reviewed, services or products online. If you have a negative response online, you should be very careful about how you choose to address it. One wrong move and your attempts to solve the problem could actually make it worse.
Veterinary practice marketing can be accomplished in print, on the airwaves, or digitally, and might look like anything from an advertisement for free tick screening, to a tweet that reminds pet owners to keep their pets inside when the weather is bad. If you’re ready to reach new potential clients, then social media is one excellent way to start. Find more on this here: vethubs.com