Are you looking for VA approved programs to further your education? You may be looking for an online degree to complete your undergraduate degree or perhaps you wish to obtain a graduate degree. Take a look at some very interesting facts and statistics about online learning, as well as graduate degrees from VA approved programs.
Many people consider obtaining a degree online, such as mba online programs, due to the flexibility of the programs. Online masters in business administration programs or other VA approved programs conducted online allow you to study at any time from anywhere. Additionally, the cost of tuition can be easier to handle because there is no need to commute to a campus or quit your job.
According to a 2009 meta study from the Department of Education, students taking all or some of their courses online tend to perform better than their peers attending traditional schools. Many people are hesitant to enroll in online programs because they think that these degree programs, including VA approved programs, are not as valuable as a degree from a regular college or university. According to a recent survey conducted by the Distance Education and Training Council, more than 70% of corporate supervisors and managers rated the value of an online degree as “just as valuable” or “more valuable” than traditional degrees in the same field.
When considering VA approved programs or online MBA programs for a graduate degree, you should understand the application process. You will have to submit your transcripts from your undergraduate degree as part of that process. Your GPA can be evaluated in different ways depending upon the school; however, the media GPA for applicants admitted into top business schools and VA approved programs is approximately 3.5.
Also, you should note that many schools offering VA approved programs and affordable online MBA programs no longer require the Graduate Management Admission Test. This is due to the fact that research has found that the GMAT has shown no validity in indicating who will be successful managers after graduation.
You may also be required to submit essays and letters of recommendation as part of the admission process.
Getting through the admissions process is just the first step to achieving your goal of obtaining a degree through a university with VA approved programs. However, it is the first step toward obtaining that degree that can provide a new career path.