Search Engine Marketing 101 Four Fast Facts You Need to Know

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Search engines have simply become ubiquitous. “Google” has become a verb that means “to search the web for.” Web browsers now come standard with search boxes installed right in their toolbars (not to mention the entire existence of Google Chrome). It’s important to realize the power search engines wield in order to formulate a viable strategy for using them to the benefit of your business. But where do you start? Welcome to Search Marketing 101: Everything You Need to Know About Search Engines.

The entire search engine industry is worth billions.

Currently, the worth of the search engine industry is estimated to be an astonishing $16 billion. Google alone is purported to own a whopping 65 percent of the entire market share. For you, knowing these stats should incite a bold determination to get your site discovered high in the search rankings. One of the most effective tools you can use to get there is search engine optimization, or SEO for short.

Over 90 percent of users’ online experiences begin with search engines.

More web users than ever before are logging in and instantly heading to Google, Yahoo! and other search engines to begin their sessions. Modern folks rely on search engines to find a place to eat, a new pair of shoes and other commodities, which is why local SEO can play such a huge role in getting your site more traffic via search engines. The best SEO relies on high-quality content and a dedicated team of professionals to make it happen, so remember that good results take time.

Seven out of every 10 links users click on are organic.

SEO is becoming an increasingly more preferred method of online marketing, especially compared to paid advertisements. Today, 70 percent of users prefer to click on natural results, meaning the links that appear organically and not as the product of paid ad plans. To get more visibility, your site has to become one of them. One of the most important SEO tips to know is that simply paying for space in the “sponsored results” section of search rankings is typically not going to land you the same amount traffic and leads as organic results will.

More web users are shopping via smartphones and tablets.

Like we mentioned before, folks rely on search engines to find a place for dinner in the neighborhood, among other things. And now, more users are finding those results on their smartphones — but that’s not all they’re doing. Around 64 percent of smartphone users make online purchases via their mobile devices, which means if your site is not optimized for mobile viewing, you might be losing out on those business opportunities.

Of course, a healthy online marketing diet is a good balance of SEO, web design and great social media engagement. If you rely on search engines, you also have to prepared to be let down by them every time they reconfigure their algorithms. Learn to adapt early on and it’ll save you plenty of headaches in the future. Helpful sites.

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